Opening hours - Mon to Fri 9am to 7.30pm | Sat 9am to 12pm | Closed on all public holidays including Innisfail Show Day in July

The Innisfail branch officially opened in 1982 after years of fundraising by the Innisfail community. Since that time the PCYC has been instrumental in providing sport, active recreation, fitness, crime prevention, employment programs and teenage activities for the local community.

Some of our programs include “Bridging the Gap” adventure recreation camps, “Hit the Right Note” youth music project, Community Jobs Plans, live band events and high school dance parties.

The Innisfail PCYC currently has 1120 members and we service the area from Babinda to Tully. We work in partnership with Qld Health, Healthier Great Green Way, Department of Communities and many other local groups and businesses.

Non-profit organization